Saturday 26 February 2011

First go at gig photography...

HTBM, originally uploaded by Phil Steere.
I was asked by a mate of mine to photograph one of his gigs yesterday.

I have never done any type of gig photography before but always thought it would be good fun (which it was!)

I managed to get between the stage and barrier at the front and just shot away! It took a while to dial in the right settings and was tough dealing with the lighting changing all the time, had a great time though and am very pleased with the results.

You can see the whole set of photos from the evening on my Flickr.

Monday 21 February 2011

Melbourne View

Melbourne View, originally uploaded by Phil Steere.
Well, I have been a bit lazy and not been out with the camera for a couple of weeks so I started going through some old photos.

This one was taken from the top of the Rialto Tower in Melbourne.

I hadn't really paid much attention to it before, but after a bit of an edit I quite like it!

If you look closely you can see the roof terrace (with the tables and chairs) of the hotel I was staying in....

Monday 7 February 2011

Rugby Flag

Rugby Flag, originally uploaded by Phil Steere.

I went to London to see family at the weekend and stumbled across a local rugby match going on. I thought I would try and get some good action shots, but to be honest this was the best I got!

Tuesday 1 February 2011

To War!

Army Figures, originally uploaded by Phil Steere.

So, for some reason I thought that buying a massive bag of those little green plastic army men that every kid of a certain age will have grown up with, would be a good idea to use in some photographs. I might do a project with these soon and try out some heavy photoshopping on them to see what I can come up with.

For now this is the only shot I have,which was really a test shot to see how they would come out. Not bad really considering they cost me a mighty £1!